May 2018, German Newspaper: Glocke Article

For Great Learning There Has to be Appreciation (the right human environment)

      Ahlen (at.) Short before ‘burnout’ she just made it around the bend: Today, Bianca Rimbach is back to being a passionate and life enjoying educator. She was born in Delmenhorst but for the past 20 years has lived in Colorado. After almost two decades in the traditional education system, she hardly had the energy anymore to continue and make it through an ordinary school day.

      During her presentation supporting the theme “Nature in Class” in the Mammutschule in Ahlen, she admitted that she made many mistakes: Worksheets, testing, student evaluations…” We stiffly sat on our chairs and did not move.” But then she joined a seminar where she learned about Rupert Isaacson’s Horse Boy Method and was extremely excited. There she found the answers on how to reconnect with students and teaching.

     Originally developed for children with autism on the horse, the concept was adjusted to allow for Movement Method which can easily be implemented in traditional classrooms. “For ideal learning there are actually just two main components: An appreciative human environment and a positive physical environment”, mentioned Mrs. Rimbach. She started to in implement movement and avoid rigidness in her classroom. Some students enjoyed learning using swings, others enjoyed see- sawing. Biology could be subtly taught in nature, and fractions could be addressed by using parachutes and games.

   Even after a short period of time, children changed. “The feedback from parents was outstandingly positive. Children that had stress migraines hardly remembered ever having them. So called ‘bad behavior kids’ started to enjoy learning again”, stated Mrs. Rimbach.

    Why the method works was presented by the teacher based on scientific and medical research. Rhythmic rocking motion relaxes and eases inner tension. That allows the brain to build connections. Children can focus and learn better. “My three boys immediately took to the new way of learning”, supports Heinrich Berkhoff, Director of Protective Children Services District Warendorf (Deutschen Kinderschutzbundes DKSB). Today there is evidence of elements of Movement Method in numerous classrooms. Bianca Rimbach encourages to follow this path. Why would we just use paper and pencil if nature has so much to offer?

Caption Translation:

“Nature in the Classroom”, this theme was recently covered in the Mammutschule in Ahlen. The picture shows (from left to right) Henrich Berkhoff, Director of Protective Children Services, district Warendorf, Speaker/ Presenter Bianca Rimbach, Elke Walter principal of the Mammutschule in Ahlen, and Brigitte Berkhoff Movement Method Practitioner.

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