Movement Method 2: The Guidelines to Creating the Right Human Environment

$395 price may vary with location and teacher. 1 day workshop; Price DOES NOT include Evaluation Phase to become a Movement Method Mentor

So many autism professionals out there apply what would otherwise be sound methodologies in a rigid and inflexible way resulting in heartbreak for parents as they grapple with whether or not they are doing the right thing by their child. This type of inflexible approach often elicits a fear of learning in the child or learning that does not generalize to other contexts. We created the Movement Method guidelines in direct response to this to ensure that anyone applying our methods, be they a parent, teacher or therapist/professional, will do so in a flexible, pressure free and child led way – thus optimizing their chance of success.

This two day intensive course will allow you to go more in-depth into the Movement Method guidelines in order to show you how to really set up not only the child but yourself for success. The cost of the course is $395 and the price includes a light lunch.

Participating in Movement Method 1 and Movement Method 2 qualifies you to apply to be evaluated to become an Independent Basic Movement Method Mentor.

Workshop Schedule

This workshop is a mixture of theory, interactive demos, case studies, individual and group exercises. It will start at 9am and end no later than 3pm with a break for lunch.

Day 1: Setting yourself up for success

  • Re-cap of Movement Method 1 and course overview
  • Guideline 1: Self-Compassion
  • Guideline 2: Picking your Battles
  • Guideline 3: Trust the primary care-giver
  • Guideline 4: Follow the Child

Day 2: Setting the child up for success

  • Recap Day 1
  • Guideline 5: Attention & Eye Contact
  • Guideline 6: Humor
  • Guideline 7: Time for Innovation
  • Guideline 8: The Right Pressure
  • Conclusion & Questions

This workshop can be combined into a 1 day workshop if that is easier for you. For 1 day workshops the participation in a Movement Method session will not be included. 

Upcoming Movement Method workshops

To find a Trainer near you for this workshop check out our Trainer listings. To find already scheduled workshops around the world visit our calendar

Movement Method 2 is available as a combo course online with Movement Method 1 if you can’t make it to a live workshop or just prefer an online course. Check out Movement Method 1 & 2 online here.