What is Movement Method?

The way to effective learning through stress reduction and positive mental health for teachers and administrators alike.

Teachers and administrators in the modern school system are facing a multitude of challenges. Too much material for too little time, too many students per teacher, too little support of neuro-diversity, expectation of integration, and being told to address not only academic skills but also behavioral and social-emotional challenges for an extremely diverse student body, all with insufficient resources.

This results in stress, burn out and mental health issues for students, teachers and administrators alike.

Various programs and resources try to ameliorate the symptoms of this system failure. But they do not offer a fully integrated package of effective solutions – based on sound neuro-science – that easily and without major changes address the root of the problem.

Movement Method provides teachers and administrators alike an easy to implement program that achieves improved academic scores, better behavioral outcomes, and improved emotional and mental health resilience. It delivers this through integrating specific movement based activities that target both the learning receptors of the brain and the production of the communication hormone oxytocin, while simultaneously following lesson plans tailored to standardized curriculum so that there is no time conflict between movement and nature and academic goals.

This is the key – to deliver all three components at the same time. Only this way can the objectives of better academic performance, improved mental health outcomes and inclusion all be effectively attained.

Teachers and administrators who have followed our program describe Movement Method as a “Magic Formula” to not only address the above challenges but to also bring back the joy of teaching to the staff, as well as the joy of learning to the students.

But it’s not magic, it’s sound science as you will learn.

In a nutshell, we replace the stress hormone Cortisol with the happiness and communication hormone Oxytocin. Then we create what neuro scientists call BDNF (brain derived neuro trophic factor) which puts the brain in the optimal place for learning and cognition.

What Movement Method is: The Secret Equation Teacher Needs To Know

Human Environment + Physical Environment = LEARNING (Social, behavioral, academic brain change)

The Physical and Human Environment are the most important components. The right Physical Environment calms the nervous system and provides respite from negative sensory triggers.

An empathetic human environment that follows intrinsic motivation creates buy-in and engagement. Without these components no approach can be effective. With these components the possibilities are limitless.

We offer consultation, workshops and webinars for school administration and teachers. As part of these sessions you will receive easy to follow and implement step by step guidelines for the human and physical environment as well as strategies for creating lesson plans , addressing social skills and behaviors. Following these steps your school will be able to build resilience in students, develop coping mechanism, reduce stress and make full inclusion effective.

Find more details on our Professional Development Courses here or drop us a line if you have questions.